Wed. Jan 22nd, 2025

Natural and Unnatural Death: Spot the Difference

“They died of natural causes.” You’ve heard people throwing these phrases around but still don’t know what it means or in some cases feel unbothered about it. When an aged individual dies or as a result of a health condition or illness, then it’s OK to say the person died a natural death. Any kind of death that falls outside this category is categorized as an unnatural death. This includes suicide, accidents, poisoning, violent death, homicides and many more. Whether the individual died a natural cause or not, cleaning up after the body has been removed needs not be taken lightly. A death cleanup service is your go-to professional cleaning company that will ensure the area is clean, properly sanitized and infection free.

Natural Death Defined

Sudden death or a death that occurs in unusual circumstances is usually investigated by the coroner’s office. The investigation will reveal the cause and manner of death. Natural death, on the other hand, is hardly investigated. This is a death caused as a result of aging or a chronic health condition.

Unnatural Death Defined

This kind of death falls into the category of death that are not of natural causes. The coroner might ask for a post-mortem to investigate the cause and manner of death. This investigation might take longer periods as it may involve getting reports from third parties to back up their claims. Examples of unnatural death include homicide, suicide, accident and food poisoning, etc.

All evidence provided will be thoroughly scrutinized and reviewed. The coroner has a number of ways to formally review the evidence and reports. After the investigation is complete, the coroner will issue a report based on findings stating who died, the cause of the death, and how it happened. The report will be send to the immediate family member of the deceased.

Categories of Death

Death is categorized into five different segments. These include:

  • Natural death: occurs as a result of chronic health condition or the aging process.
  • Homicidal death: occurs when the death occurs either by an intentional or unintentional act of another person(s). Homicides can be subdivided into murder (an intentional killing) and manslaughters (an unintentional act).
  • Suicidal death: This refers to an intentional death. A suicidal death happens when an individual takes his life intentionally. There are many causes of suicide including emotional health, mental illness, depression, job loss and many more.
  • Accidental death – refers to death that occurs due to negligence. Death that falls under this category include a death that was not intended (suicide), expected (aging) or foreseeable (chronic health condition)
  • Undetermined: Quite ambiguous in meaning. It is used to describe cases that either have little available information about the circumstances surrounding the death, or if known information conflicts with more than one manner of death. For example, if the death occurs in a particular way, but the circumstances surrounding the cause of the death says otherwise. It is unclear if its homicide, accidental death or suicide.

If you are in the market to buy a house, you want to know if the property has been thoroughly cleaned. Worst case scenario is when a death has occurred in the house before now. Inadequate remediation process can result in the spread of diseases and structural damage. Get help from death cleanup service, a specialists cleaner that provide peace of mind with death cleanup.


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